Produced and hosted by Ben Jorritsma, whose family founded Ideal Farms in 1910, the event spans two days and is host to Power Racing Series car racing, a Combat Robotics tournament, 20+ local and expert vendors, speakers and exhibitors.
Jorritsma has been a frequent presenter and attendee of other New York Makers Faire and other related events. A full time farmer, he has also researched and developed a system to convert recycled cooking oil into biodiesel used to operate the farm’s tractors, trucks and other equipment. He launched his own festival in 2016.
Vendor and Exhibitor spots are available. Crafters, School STEM and Art Students, Maker Spaces of any type, Library, STEM presenter or local philanthropic organization, if you would like to reserve a spot, discuss school class trip logistics, or set up an interview with Ben Jorritsma, please send an email to
Maker Faire originated in 2006 in the San Francisco Bay Area as a project of the editors of Make: magazine. It has since grown into a significant worldwide network of both flagship and independently-produced events. Read more on Maker Faire history, the Maker Movement, as well as how to start a Maker Faire or a School Maker Faire where you live.